The Black Bathroom Countertop Aesthetic | Bedrock Quartz

The Black Bathroom Countertop Aesthetic

Installing black countertops in the kitchen has been a thing for a while. But what about the bathroom? Traditionally, black is not a color we would see in smaller bathroom spaces. But that seems to be changing. It appears more homeowners are looking at black countertops for their bathrooms. For whatever reason, everyone seems to love black.

The one downside to black in the bathroom is that it sucks up light. And given that most bathrooms are comparatively small spaces, a black countertop can make the space feel even smaller. Yet there are ways to overcome that, like changing out lighting and choosing white for the walls.

Regardless of what black does for small spaces, there are a few particularly good reasons for choosing black countertops for the bath. Let’s talk about some of them in detail. These all apply whether your choice for new countertops is quartz, granite, or marble.

Black Makes a Bold Statement

Perhaps homeowners appreciate black because it makes a bold statement. A black countertop in the bathroom is striking every time you enter the space. It grabs your attention and holds on tightly, especially when paired with the right fixtures. Gold immediately comes to mind.

Speaking of fixtures, a bold black countertop instantly becomes sophisticated and elegant with gorgeous gold or brushed aluminum fixtures. Add some complementary artwork and the right linens and you can turn an average looking bathroom into your own luxurious spa.

Black Is Timeless

Black is a timeless color that never gets old. Regardless of the main decorating style throughout your entire home, a black countertop in the bathroom will work just fine. The biggest concern is the vanity underneath. With a black countertop, you need a softer and neutral color for the vanity.

It turns out that black is also a versatile color that easily compliments some of the hottest trends in bathroom design – like subway tiles, for example. Whether you want the bathroom space to be minimalist or a feast for the eyes, black works.

Black Is Also Practical

Whether your material choice is quartz, granite, or marble, black is also a practical choice for the simple fact that it hides water marks and stains extremely well. This might be important to you if you still have children at home. They don’t always clean up after themselves, and a black countertop makes up for some of that.

Choose quartz or granite and you will have a countertop that is durable and easy to clean. Both choices resist scratches and stains. Neither requires terribly extensive cleaning or scrubbing. A mild cleaning solution and some warm water takes care of things nicely.

About the Smaller Space Thing

At the beginning of the post we discussed the fact that black countertops can make small bathrooms feel smaller. While that may be unattractive to some homeowners, there is another way to look at it: a black countertop can give a bathroom a greater sense of depth. Black adds dimension to an otherwise plain space.

The point is that smaller spaces look smaller with black countertops, but larger spaces look and feel deeper and more defined. So black might be the ideal choice if your bathroom is large enough to feel cavernous.

Black countertops in the bath are catching on. As people discover all the benefits of going with black, they are choosing it over other colors. What do you think? Would a black countertop and a vanity in a neutral color enhance the look of your bathroom or detract from it? Only you can make that decision.